I just made a new Voki. See it here:

Friday, October 22, 2010

A few questions of note...

1) What sick freak invented the game known as dodgeball? Who honestly thinks that people throwing colorful spheres at you in an attempt to hit you is a good idea??
2) Why do people pay more money for pre-ripped jeans? Don't they realize that they can save twenty bucks and just buy them whole, then take the jeans home and rip 'em up there?
3) Why are games called "recreation"? You aren't "re-creating" anything.

Monday, October 11, 2010


Hello, people who choose to read my blog. I figure you're either one of my friends, one of my acquaintances, a person who hates me, or some random creepy stalker person. If you fall into either of the last two categories, I must now ask you to please exit this blog and do something at least slightly more productive with your time, such as knit a large smock or terrorize New Zealand. If you do not fall into the last two categories, welcome! I hope you enjoy this random collection of thoughts, poems, stories, and vocabulary words which I will be posting until I decide to stop. If you do not fall into any of the above categories, Who are you and what are you doing here? I'm curious. Please respond.
Anyway, here I am. Sitting. Typing at a computer which does not belong to me. Can you guess where I am? Haha, no, you probably can't. Cuz I'm a NINJA!!!!! Pwnage. Take that, people of Earth and beyond.
Oh, by the by, if you're reading this from planet Quor'Toth, could you tell my Aunt that I would like her to mail me my big box of Quor'Tothian chocolates?
Later, world.