Hello, people who choose to read my blog. I figure you're either one of my friends, one of my acquaintances, a person who hates me, or some random creepy stalker person. If you fall into either of the last two categories, I must now ask you to please exit this blog and do something at least slightly more productive with your time, such as knit a large smock or terrorize New Zealand. If you do not fall into the last two categories, welcome! I hope you enjoy this random collection of thoughts, poems, stories, and vocabulary words which I will be posting until I decide to stop. If you do not fall into any of the above categories, Who are you and what are you doing here? I'm curious. Please respond.
Anyway, here I am. Sitting. Typing at a computer which does not belong to me. Can you guess where I am? Haha, no, you probably can't. Cuz I'm a NINJA!!!!! Pwnage. Take that, people of Earth and beyond.
Oh, by the by, if you're reading this from planet Quor'Toth, could you tell my Aunt that I would like her to mail me my big box of Quor'Tothian chocolates?
Later, world.
Anyway, here I am. Sitting. Typing at a computer which does not belong to me. Can you guess where I am? Haha, no, you probably can't. Cuz I'm a NINJA!!!!! Pwnage. Take that, people of Earth and beyond.
Oh, by the by, if you're reading this from planet Quor'Toth, could you tell my Aunt that I would like her to mail me my big box of Quor'Tothian chocolates?
Later, world.
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