I just made a new Voki. See it here:

Monday, November 29, 2010

Hunger Pangs and Video Awesomeness

Thoughts for today from Amber...
             Oh, my goodness. I am SOOOOOOOOO hungry right now!!! >.<
Anyway, I thought I'd share our fabulous Teen Film Festival Video for those of you who were curious. Here you go!
Please don't hurt me. I did say a couple posts ago that it was bad.

Monday, November 22, 2010

Thoughts for today from Amber...
Oh man... I'm so tired. Well, I was listening to Bob and Tom this morning, and Chick McGee has decided to do 10 shots of vodka on air today. I'm so sad that I have class and therefore cannot listen to the extent of his funny drunkenness. If you happen to listen, please comment and update me on what's what!!! Okeydokey? Lotsa love, me

Sunday, November 21, 2010


Thoughts for today from Amber...
Hey guys!! Guess whose birthday it is today!!! That's right-- MINE!!! Woot woot! Let me eat CAKE. Be aware that I love presents. Seriously, don't be bashful. <3

Friday, November 12, 2010

Teen Film Festival

Thoughts for today from Amber...
Ok, guys, now you need to check out the 2010 Teen Film Festival entries in the Greenwood, Center Grove, Franklin, and surrounding areas. My entry (Cheezy Horror Movie) won Best Chase Scene. Overall, we sucked, but I loved doing it because, HELLO, FUN!!! <3 Look for us!